Are Your Coat Hooks Safe?

Are you familiar with the Myles Neuts story? A few years back in Chatham Ontario Canada a young boy named Miles Newton was hung on a coat hook in the boy's bathroom. The bullies used the hood of his jacket to hang him and left him there. Well, tragically this young boy lost conscience, and died to due brain damage during this event.

Tragically, bullying is a growing problem in the education system, no matter where you live. You always see movies and television shows where a child is being hung on a coat hook. But, are they safe? Unfortunately their safety was not considered until after this young boy's death. Once this boy had died, breakaway coat hooks were brought onto the market.


This new and innovative product does exactly as their name states: They breakaway. Once the hook has more than 20 pounds hanging on it, it will break away and whatever is on it- will fall off. They are plastic not metal, and have begun to take over the standard product that were in schools and athletic clubs. If you still have standard ones in your facility, you need to strongly reconsider your choice.

In summary, standard metal coat hooks are no longer as safe as people think. After the tragic story of Myles Neuts, breakaway coat hooks were created to avoid any further disaster or deaths. Unfortunately, bullying has gotten so out of control, stories like this are out there and products like this are created to try and avoid anymore heartache! Don't let another story like this come to life, think about the products you are putting in your facility and think outside the box. Enough innocent people have died at the hands of "the standard"

Are Your Coat Hooks Safe?